Wendy Brunetta

Wendy Brunetta is running for Council in Fort Frances.

Born and raised in Fort Frances, Wendy (she/her) is a three-term Councillor. She is a retired Human Resources professional with a finance and administration background. She has 8 years of experience on various boards and committees in the community, as well as on the Northwestern Health Unit Board of Health and the Northern Ontario Municipal Association Board. It has been Wendy’s pleasure to serve her community and she looks forward to another term that will see her community transition from a mill town to a thriving and growing place where families enjoy the great northwestern lifestyle.

Why are you running for this position?

The last 3 years have been difficult dealing with the pandemic and flooding issues. I am running again this term to ensure that we move forward on many of the initiatives that we put on hold. Our community is ripe for development and I see Economic Development as one of those key issues that will build our community, stabilize our tax base, and create many opportunities for our youth.

What innovative projects would enhance life in your municipality?

I believe we need to focus on keeping our Recreation centre a safe and welcoming facility. We are currently working on many improvements in this area. We also need to ensure that our Library and Museum continue to provide valuable and informative programming. I will continue to support the Town’s involvement in Doctor recruitment to ensure that all residents have access to primary health care. I am also in favour of moving forward with the Spray Park, and re-development of the former mill sites and the former wood yard.

If you received a $1 million grant to use for your municipality any way you wanted, what would you do with it?

Definitely to beautify the former mill site and gateway area (border crossing) so that tourists who are crossing the border into our community are met with a welcoming and unique environment which encourages them to stop and stay awhile in our great community.

What do you think are the greatest challenges your municipality faces?

We need developers that will see the potential of investing in our community. We need more tax base to take the pressure off our residential taxpayers.

We also need an influx of doctors. We have many orphaned patients.

We need to work cooperatively with our First Nation neighbours to find synergies that will benefit us all.

Other than the official ways of communicating (minutes, municipal notes), how else will you reach out to your constituents to involve them in the decision making process?

Facebook, posting of signs, newspaper and radio.

What is your favourite thing to do in your municipality?

Golfing and Cabin time (summer) and Curling (winter).

Why do you think it’s important for women to be represented in civic leadership, including on committees, boards and municipal councils?

I believe that diversity in all forms makes more informed and effective decisions.

Social Media Handles


Where can people find you?

Primarily on Facebook.

Learn about the other women running in the 2022 Ontario Municipal Election in Northern Ontario.