Buy Our Merch

Want to help us elect women in the North? There’s merch for that!

Our specially created merchandise lets you wear your belief that more women need to be in office while also allowing us to train, develop resources, and ensure event accessibility. The funds we raise from merchandise go directly towards electing women - and we appreciate every little bit of help we get.

Thanks for helping us elect women!

Are you passionate about increasing the representation of women in local government? Do you believe women bring valuable perspectives and leadership skills to the table?

If so, consider supporting our cause by purchasing some of our specially created merchandise. Not only will you be able to show your support for our cause, but your contribution will also go towards training, developing resources, and ensuring event accessibility for women running for municipal office.

It is vital to elect women to these positions for several reasons. First, having more women in local government can lead to more balanced and diverse decision-making, as women often bring different perspectives and experiences to the table. Second, electing more women can help create a more representative government that better reflects the needs and concerns of all community members. Finally, increasing the number of women in municipal office can serve as a role model and inspiration for future generations of women interested in pursuing leadership roles.

But to lead the way in this Cause, we need your support.

Thank you for your support in helping us elect more women to office.